
Life On A Plate


In this book, I aim to offer my readers a taste of the flavours that hold a special place in my heart. Sharing some of my favourite delicacies from my grandmother’s kitchen, who happens to be from the Sylhet district of Bangladesh.






10 Mins


20 Mins

 Sylhet is one of the main sources of oranges in Bangladesh. When I was very young, my dad was visiting Chattogram with the family. As we reached in the afternoon, a fantastic lunch was served. Finally, the chef brought the dessert, and I was fascinated to see half an orange stuffed with jelly cake and beautifully garnished. It has always stayed in my mind. When I planned to write my cookbook and include dishes from Sylhet, I remembered the chef’s stuffed orange. I improvised the stuffing and gave it the look of a cake. Here it is.

¼ cup ghee/clarified butter, divided
½ cup cornflour
2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice, strained
¼ teaspoon orange food colour (optional)
1 cup sugar
½ cup water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground cardamom powder
2 tablespoons pine nuts
¼ cup freshly grated coconut

¼ কাপ ঘি (ভাগ করে রাখা

½ কাপ কর্নফ্লাওয়ার

2 কাপ কমলার রস

¼ চা চামচ কমলার খাবারের রঙ (ঐচ্ছিচ্ছিক)

1 কাপ চিনি

½ কাকাপ জল

1 টেবিল চামচ লেবুর রস

¼ চা চামচ ললবণ

½ চা চামচ এলাচ গুড়ো

২ টেবিল চামচ পাইন বাদাম

¼ কাপ তাজা গ্রেট করা নারকেল


GREASE a heatproof dish with 1 teaspoon of ghee. Set aside.

IN a jug, mix the corn flour and orange juice until the corn flour is completely dissolved. Add orange food colour.

IN a pot, boil sugar and water. Add lemon juice, salt, and cardamom powder. Pour the cornflour and orange juice mixture slowly into the sugar mixture and keep stirring continuously. Keep the heat on medium-low. Stir in 1 tablespoon of ghee.

ONCE the mixture starts to thicken, add 3 tablespoons of ghee. Keep stirring. When the mixture starts separating from the ghee, remove it from heat and pour it into the greased dish. Let it rest at room temperature for 2 hours. Unmould and cut into square pieces. Sprinkle with pine nuts and grated coconut.